======First Bishops' War 1639====== \\ And how about //this// charming fella...\\ > "We have had a most cold, wet, and long time of living in the field, but have kept ourselves warm with the hopes of rubbing, fubbing, and scrubbing those scurvy, filthy, dirty, nasty, lousy, itchy, scabby , shitten, stinking, slovenly, snotty-nosed, logger-headed, foolish, insolent, proud, beggarly, impertinent, absurd, grout-headed, villainous, barbarous, beastial, false, lying, roguish, devilish, long-eared, short-haired, damnable, atheistcal, puritanical crew of the Scottish Covenant."\\ - 1639, June 22, Berwick: Letter from Thomas Windebank to his cousin Robert Reade((secretary to his uncle, Sir Francis Windebank, Secretary of State))\\