[[england_history_hub|England]] >> [[plantagenet_england|Plantagenet]] \\ ======Chronology of the Wars of the Roses====== See [[http://www.threetwoone.org/diagrams/wars-of-the-roses.gif|here]] for what is probably //the best// graphical representation of the relationship between players in the wars. \\ |1450 May-July |Jack Cade's Revolt. || |1450 August |Return of Richard Duke of York from Ireland. || |1451 spring |John and William Merfold's Uprising. || |1453 December |Henry VI first bout with mental illness. || |1454 April |Start of Richard Duke of York's first protectorate. || |1455 February |End of Richard Duke of York's first protectorate.|| | | | |1455\\ 22 May |**First Battle of St Albans** |Decisive Yorkist victory.\\ Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, killed. Richard Duke of York re-appointed Protector.| |1456 |End of Richard Duke of York's second protectorate.|| |1459\\ 23 Sep |**Battle of Blore Heath** |Yorkist victory.| |1459\\ 12 Oct |**Battle of Ludford Bridge** |Lancastrian victory.\\ Richard Duke of York flees to Ireland.| |1460\\ 15 Jan |**Battle of Sandwich** |Decisive Yorkist victory.| |1460\\ 10 Jul |**Battle of Northampton** |Decisive Yorkist victory.\\ Henry VI captured. Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick ("Kingmaker"), orders massacre of prisoners. Margaret of Anjou flees to Wales.| |1460\\ 10 Oct |Richard Duke of York declared heir to the throne. Margaret of Anjou raises a new army.|| |1460\\ 25 Oct |Parliament enacts The Act of Accord.|| |1460\\ 16 Dec |**Battle of Worksop** |Small Lancastrian victory.| |1460\\ 30 Dec |**Battle of Wakefield** |Decisive Lancastrian victory.\\ Richard Duke of York killed, and succeeded by his son Edward.| |1461\\ 2 Feb |**Battle of Mortimer's Cross.** |Decisive Yorkist victory.| |1461\\ 17 Feb |**Second Battle of St Albans.** |Lancastrian victory.\\ Henry VI rescued.| |1461\\ 4 Mar |Edward of York proclaimed king Edward IV, in London.|| |1461\\ 28 Mar |**Battle of Ferrybridge.** |Indecisive| |1461\\ 29 Mar |**Battle of Towton.** |Decisive Yorkist victory.\\ Henry VI, his wife Margaret of Anjou, and son Edward, the Prince of Wales, flee to Scotland.| |1464\\ 25 Apr |**Battle of Hedgeley Moor.** |Yorkist victory.| |1464\\ 15 May |**Battle of Hexham.** |Decisive Yorkist victory.| |1465\\ 24 Jun |Henry VI captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London.|| |1469\\ 26 Jul |**Battle of Edgecote Moor.** |Rebel (York) victory.| |1470\\ 12 Mar |**Battle of Losecoat Field.** |Royal (York) Victory.| |1470\\ 1 May |Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick ("Kingmaker"), flees to France. He joined forces with Margaret of Anjou and returns to England.|| |1470\\ 13 Oct |Henry VI restored to the throne.|| |1471\\ 14 Mar |Edward IV flees to France and returns with a small army.|| |1471\\ 14 Apr |**Battle of Barnet.** |Yorkist victory.\\ Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick ("Kingmaker"), killed.| |1471\\ 4 May |**Battle of Tewkesbury.** |Decisive Yorkist victory.\\ Edward, the Prince of Wales killed and his mother, Margaret of Anjou, captured.| |1483\\ 9 Apr |Edward IV dies, and is succeeded by his son Edward V.|| |1485\\ 7 Aug |Henry Tudor lands at Milford Haven in Wales.|| |1485\\ 22 Aug |**Battle of Bosworth Field.** |Decisive Tudor victory.\\ King Richard III killed.| | | | |1485\\ 30 Oct |Henry VII crowned at Westminster.|| |1486\\ 18 Jan |Henry VII and Elizabeth of York marry, uniting the houses of Lancaster and York.|| |1487\\ 16 Jun |**Battle of Stoke Field.** |Decisive Tudor victory.| \\ {{ ::wars_of_the_roses_wikipedia.jpg |Important locations in the Wars of the Roses. J.R. Green, History of the English People, Volume 3.}} Important locations in the Wars of the Roses. J.R. Green, History of the English People, Volume 3.\\ \\ \\ King Henry VI, Somerset, Northumberland and Clifford - Lancastrians\\ Duke of York, Warwick, Salisbury - Yorkists\\ \\ {{tag>Beaufort Edward_III Edward_IV Henry_VI Lancaster Margaret_of_Anjou Neville Wars_of_the_Roses York}} \\