England » Anglo-Saxon

Rulers of Northumbria

*Soemel, legendary founder of Deira, great-great-great-grandfather of Ælle
Ælle, king of Deira, ruling in 597, perhaps 30-year reign?
Æthelric, king of Deira for five years after Ælle [then Æthelfrith of Bernicia took over]
*Oessa, legendary first settler of Bernicia, grandfather of Ida
Ida, king of Bernicia (547-59)
Glappa, king of Bernicia (559-60)
Adda, king of Bernicia (560-8)
Æthelric, king of Bernicia (568-72)
Theodric, king of Bernicia (572-9)
Frithuwald, king of Bernicia (579-85)
Hussa, king of Bernicia (585-92)
Æthelfrith, king of Bernicia (592-616), also conquered Deira
Edwin, king of Deira (616 - 12 October 633 [Battle of Hatfield]), also conquered Bernicia [conversion sparrow-speech]
Osric, king of Deira (633-4 [killed by Cadwallon])
Eanfrith, king of Bernicia (633-4 [killed by Cadwallon])
Oswald, king of Bernicia (634 - 5 August 642 [Battle of Maserfelth]), also took Deira
Oswine, king of Deira (642 - 20 August 651 [killed on Oswiu's orders])
Oswiu, king of Bernicia (642 - 15 February 670), took Deira in 651
Oethelwald, perhaps subking of Deira under Oswiu
Alhfrith, perhaps subking of Deira under Oswiu
Ecgfrith, perhaps subking of Deira under Oswiu
Ecgfrith, king of Northumbria (670 - 20 May 685 [Battle of Nechtansmere])
Aldfrith, king of Northumbria (686 - 14 December 705) - England's first literate king
Eadwulf, king of Northumbria for 2 months in 705-6?
Osred I, king of Northumbria (706-16)
Coenred, king of Northumbria (716-8)
Osric, king of Northumbria (718 - 9 May 729)
Ceolwulf, king of Northumbria (729 - 737 [retired to Lindisfarne]), dedicatee of Bede's Ecclesiastical History
Eadberht, king of Northumbria (737 - 758 [resigned, became a monk])
Oswulf, king of Northumbria (758 - 24/25 July 759 [treacherously killed by his men])
Æthelwald Moll, king of Northumbria (5 August 759 - 30 October 765 [driven out])
Alhred, king of Northumbria (765 - 774 [exiled])
Æthelred I, king of Northumbria (774 - 778/9 [exiled], 790 - 18 April 796)
Ælfwald I, king of Northumbria (778/9 - 23 September 788 [killed by treacherous Sicga])
Osred II, king of Northumbria (788 - 790 [expelled, tonsured, and exiled])
Osbald, king of Northumbria (796, for 27 days [expelled, fled to Picts])
Eardwulf, king of Northumbria (26 May 796 - ?806 [expelled], 808-10 [restored with help from Charlemagne?])
Ælfwald II, king of Northumbria (?? 806-8)
Eanred, king of Northumbria (?? 810-40)
Æthelred II, king of Northumbria (?? 840-4, 844-8;or ?? 846-50, 850-4)
Rædwald, king of Northumbria (?? 844, or ?? 850)
Osberht, king of Northumbria after Æthelred to 23 March 867 [killed by Vikings at York]
Ælle, usurper king of Northumbria in Osberht's reign to 23 March 867 [killed by Vikings at York]
Erik Bloodaxe, last king of York (?947-8, ?952-4)

From: www.anglo-saxons.net