Village Idiot's Guide to History

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Medieval England

High Middle Ages

See map of the Angevin Dominions in the 12th Century.

Angevin England 1154–1214*

Henry II 1154-1189
Richard I 1189-1199
– William Fitz-Osbert 1196
John 1199-1216
William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
*Battle of Bouvines brings an end to the Angevin empire under King John

Henry II and his legitimate children: William, Henry, Richard, Matilda, Geoffrey, Eleanor, Joan and John Genealogical Chronicle of the English Kings - Henry II and legitimate children Genealogical Chronicle of the English Kings, from the Heptarchy to Edward I as a king (1272-1307). British Library: Digitised Manuscripts.

angevin_england.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/16 08:39 by villagei_admin