Village Idiot's Guide to History

History jottings and gleanings

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Medieval England

Late Middle Ages

Plantagenet England 1214*-1485

Henry III 1216-1272
First Barons' War 1215-1217
Charter of the Forest 1225
Second Barons' War 1264–1267
Edward I 1272-1307
Edward II 1307-1327
Edward III 1327-1377
Edward, the Black Prince 1330-1376
Richard II 1377-1399

*Battle of Bouvines brings an end to the Angevin empire under King John.

House of Lancaster

Henry IV 1399-1413
Henry V 1413-1422
Henry VI 1422-1461 & 1470-1471

House of York

Edward IV 1461-1470 & 1471-1483
Edward V 1483
Richard III 1483-1485

Treaty of Tours May 1444

Wars of the Roses 1455-1485

Background to the Wars of the Roses
Chronology of the Wars of the Roses
Act of Accord 1460 between Henry VI and Richard Duke of York.


Concidering the history between the Beauforts and Yorks, how much of a part did Margaret play in the Princes in the Tower mystery?

plantagenet_england.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/28 10:03 by villagei_admin