Village Idiot's Guide to History

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England » Anglo-Saxon

Rulers of Essex

Æscwine 527-587
Sledd 587-c.604
Sæberht c.604-616/7
Sexred 616/7-623
Saeward 616/7-623
(Unknown son of Sæberht 616/7-623)
Sigeberht the Little 623-c.653
Sigeberht the Good c.653-660
Swithhelm 660-664
Sighere 664-683
Sæbbi 664-c.694
Sigeheard c.694-c.709
Swæfred c.695-c.709
Offa c.709
Saelred c.709-746
Swæfbert c.715-738
Swithred 746-758
Sigeric 758-798
Sigered 798-825

rullers_of_essex.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/11 19:52 by villagei_admin