Village Idiot's Guide to History

History jottings and gleanings

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Modern England

Early Modern

House of Stewart 1707-1649

James I 1603-1625
Charles I 1625-1649

First Bishops' War 1639
Second Bishops' War 1640

Civil War and Interregnum 1649-1659

First Commonwealth 1642–1653
Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell 1653–1658
– Rule of the Major-Generals 1655-1657
Protectorate of Richard Cromwell 1658–1659
Second Commonwealth 1659–1660

House of Stewart 1659-1714

The Restoration
Charles II 1660-1685
James II 1685-1688
Glorious Revolution
Mary II 1689-1694
William III 1689-1702
Anne 1702-1707
Treaty of Union - Kingdom of Great Britain May 1, 1707

Late Modern

Anne 1707-1714

stewart_england.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/13 11:24 by villagei_admin